D4 Project

A large-scale distributed sensor network to monitor DDoS and other malicious activities relying on an open and collaborative project.

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D4 core version 0.2 has been released

D4 core version 0.2 has been released

New version released - v0.2 of D4 core

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IP ASN History

IP ASN History

In the D4 project, a major activity is network packet collection from black hole monitoring. But a major challenge in the analysis is the ability to find back the owner...

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Launch of the D4 Project

Launch of the D4 Project

Launch of the D4 project

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"In any case, I would argue that absolute measures are not the goal in cybersecurity, that relative measures are sufficient for the simple fact that relative measures -- like is such and such risk getting worse -- are sufficient for decision support. This has parallels in the physical world; no police department will ever know how much heroin is for sale, but they can tell the price, and a rising or falling price is sufficient for decision making about what to do and whether what was already done had a positive effect."

Dan Geer in talk 7th October 2015

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